P96 V2.4.3 published
The new P96 version corrects a calculation error in the function BltMaskBitMapRastPort() that has led to broken graphics when copying (for example when moving a window). The Update is free for all customers who have purchased P96 in the past 12 months from us. Downloading the file again from the order history of the user account will deliver the new archive.
There's also good news from Cloanto: During a dinner that was organized by the organizer of the Amiga34 show, Michael Battilana said among witnesses that the advertising of his emulator product can be changed in order to represent the actual facts: The P96 archive that is delivered by Cloanto on DVDs and in downloads has shareware status. Purchasing the emulator does not register the copy of P96 for the customer. Special thanks goes to Philippe Lang of A1200.net, who has put a lot of effort in mediating in this matter. We are expecting Cloanto to deliver on these words by changing web sites and advertising of their resellers in the near future.